How to tell someone they have been made redundant
Listening to endless uncomfortable stories about how people were made redundant shows there is a real need for support. As someone who has been made redundant, and who has had to tell people their jobs have gone, I can empathise that the situation is challenging and pressured for all parties. Line Managers need as much support as individuals affected. And if this support is in place, then the experience is better for everyone involved.
Sometimes redundancy is personal, but it can still be a gift
If you find yourself singled out for redundancy, take it personally. But take it personally to think about what drove that situation. Were you meeting expectations? Were you struggling, and didn’t ask for help? Were you struggling, and you did ask for help? Did your face just not fit? Are you in the wrong job?
Don’t waste time feeling bitter. Spend time thinking about what’s going on for you. The organisation has moved on. You need to as well. And you need to take ownership for your future and your success.
Sometimes it is just about money, and that's ok
It’s not always about running down a beach living your dream job. Sometimes your priorities are driven by Life. As long as you know your why, and you know life is always work in progress you are doing ok.
Why leaving your 9 to 5 might not be the answer
Before you ditch your 9 to 5 take time to think about what it is that’s making you feel stuck. While you are in the great place of earning money while you think about it, you can afford the time to thinker deeper about causes, the role you play in your what you are feeling, and be clearer on what you want to happen next.
How entrepreneurial thinking can help you in everyday life
Being an entrepreneur is much more than a grand title. It’s an attitude and a way that things get done. And that attitude and approach can be used in everyday life. Entrepreneurial thinking isn’t exclusive for the 5% super successful in this world, it’s an attitude that anyone can adopt to make life a bit better.
How Tiny Habits can help you achieve big things
“Our negative bias, which keeps us safe and minimises risk, unfortunately keeps us stuck. To change something in your life you have to start somewhere. Tiny habits puts you over the line towards change, all you have to do is keep looking forward, don’t take a step back, do small achievable steps and you’ll start to create the shift”.
You’ve just been made redundant and you are worried about paying bills…
This is a temporary situation. Take some sensible action now to give yourself space to think and breathe. Trust yourself. You will find a solution. You’ve got this.
Five books to read when you've been made redundant...
Books can change your life. If you were to spend an hour of time with the author it would cost you a whole lot more than the £9.99 you’ve just spent on their 80,000 words of wisdom. So if all that knowledge and wisdom is out there, why is it still so hard to act? Because we have to know what to do with it. Because we have to believe we can do something with it. Because we have to do something with it. We have to. No-one else.
So read the books. Listen to the webinars. Get people around you to support you all the way. And then take action. Do what the book says. Follow the action. And keep going. Always.
Guest Blog: "Three things I didn't know about being made redundant that aren't talked about"
Guest blog by Anonymous contributor. “There are three things I didn’t know when being made redundant that I’ve not heard anyone talk about. There are more than three things I didn’t know clearly, but my point is that these are three things I never heard anyone mention. The first two are lighter, maybe contemporary topics. The third one is a more anxious issue.”
No-one wants to work with me!
There are some jobs that people just don’t want to find themselves having to work with. But how reassuring to know that if you ever need that help, it’s here, maybe not wearing a cape and flying through the sky, but here.
Getting to know yourself
Have you ever thought about who are you? Do you really know yourself? The way you think about yourself, the way that you define yourself and the way that society and who your social circles are, all influences ‘you’ and therefore the life you are living. Layer than with the things you are good at, the environment and circumstances where you thrive, and you start to get a really good picture on why you are feeling stuck. And how you you can help yourself move forward. You have more answers to help yourself than you think.
The easiest person to ignore is yourself
It’s one of my talents. Ignoring myself. I can give great advice to others, I can even give great advice to myself. But the problem with advice is you have to do something with it. Ignore it, dismiss it, listen to it, act on it. My advice to myself just hangs there, above my head, like some kind of optimistic cloud following me around, hoping one day I might look up and see it… so now its time to listen, and act on what I hear.
Is busyness holding you back?
Too much stuff, too much busyness, too much ‘to-do-list-itous’ is not the same as being productive. The feeling of having ‘a lot on’ is not the same as making progress. And when you finish each day exhausted but you still feel like you haven’t achieved anything, then stuckness sets in.
The gift of cliche, give cliches a chance
Most cliche givers means well. Their advice is drawn from set pieces, well-trodden paths, and as Russell Brand says ‘things that people say when they cant think quick enough to say anything else’. It’s painful to hear because it doesn’t feel its offering much. Cliches carry little comfort, wisdom or advice. And often cliches are totally untrue, or at least the sentiment is not true.
The power of a 'reframe'... even doing your annual accounts can be enjoyable!
From dreading doing my accounts, to planning 2019, to launching an online course on how to launch a product based business! My tax return turned out to be a lot more pleasurable than I’d imaged!