Sometimes it is just about money, and that's ok

I had not been having a good day.

You know those days when people are getting emotional, and angry, and you don’t have answers they want. And corporate bolitics kicks in. And you think what am I doing?

Yes it was one of those days.

There had been no joy in what I was doing for a few weeks. It wasn’t that I was unhappy, I just wasn’t living my dream life. I wasn’t dancing down a beach with a floaty sheet in my hand. I wasn’t working by the side of a pool in Thailand waiting for cocktail to arrive. So what was I doing there?

I thought about it.

And the answer came back: you are doing it for the money, so that longer term things will be a bit easier.

It was as simple as that. It was about money.

Because as much as we can all aim to have our ‘ dream life’ (in truth I’m still not actually sure what that would look like for me anyway) sometimes the reality of life dictates a different path.

Very far from the ‘ikigai’ of doing something I love, the world needs and getting paid for it. I found myself very much sitting in the getting paid for it sector., with a few people needing what I do but not for any grand purpose other than making them more money.

A yellow door

Life isn’t always about having absolute everything worked out, and happiness everyday in your work and life. Stuff happens. Things get in the way of our dreams.

But something happened when I acknowledged I was there just for money.

I was ok with it.

Just knowing why you are doing something, the truthful honest answer, suddenly makes it a bit easier to deal with.

So yes I’m sure there are dream jobs out there, and there are plenty of people out there who are getting up every day and cant believe they get paid for what they do. I’m sure they have bad days, wobble days, when they have to remind themselves what it is all about.

But sometimes its also ok to be not quite there yet. To still be working towards something, but not having all the answers yet.

Sometimes you can be very clear on your priorities and why you are doing something. And its not always about serving some greater purpose. Sometimes your priorities are about money, or picking up your child from school, or being with friends, or closer to family. The things that sometimes life is about.

If you know why things are as they are right now for you, you are in a good place.

Road through a wood

Knowing that you aren’t making excuses, knowing things will change, knowing there is a masterplan when you are ready is the way you can find comfort in where you are today.

And that acceptance is the very response that will help you act when you are ready. View it like you are saving your energy for when the moment is right to make your next move.

We all work in different ways. We have to embrace who we are and work with ourselves to achieve things. If you start to push against who you are that’s when overwhelm and stress will kick in and hold you back.

You might not be exactly where you want to be right now. But you are where you need to be.

Sometimes you might be doing something because you need the money. That’s ok. It doesn’t define you forever, its just a moment in time, one chapter of your long read book.

Progression isn’t linear. It’s not overnight. It’s not complete. It’s ongoing.

As long as you aren’t making excuses, your reasons are real. And as long as you aren’t staying still you are going forward. And that can only be a good thing.

Hold on to your why. Its the only truth you need.


If you want help to start something new lets work together - I help you in the space in-between a door closing and another door opening


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