Episode 139 - When it’s time to explore the other side of fear and chase a dream with Ant Duckworth

#139: When it’s time to explore the other side of fear and chase a dream with Ant Duckworth

 "I made the decision to jump off that entrepreneurial ledge, which was incredibly intimidating at the time… But, I was so compelled to see what was on the other side of fear, which was leaving full time, gainful, fantastic employment and chase a dream"

In today's episode, we have Ant Duckworth, the co-founder of Dear Coco. 

I’ve been following Ant’s journey and the evolution of ‘Dear Coco’, his award winning coffee truck, since the dream started. We all have these tiny ideas, small dreams, but how many of us decide to take action and step into trying, and giving it a go.

Ant shares the moment he decided to go for it, and how he now navigates each step to be very intentional with where his business goes. He shares the importance of setting rules and guiding values for yourself - he has his Five Codes he lives by. The first rule being ‘owning the dark’ - the concept of acknowledging the most defining, meaningful work happens in the dark away from the spotlight when no one is watching.

Ant has made that corporate to entrepreneur leap, from director at American Express to owner of a coffee truck in a side street in London. Dear Coco is growing, and continues to make its mark in the competitive coffee market. It's a story to encourage you to take tiny steps to action your small flickering flame of an idea, and when the moment is right, back yourself to make it happen.

The things that helped Ant navigate change.

Music: Jack Johnson 

“There is something great and powerful sitting on the other side of fear. Maybe fear is stopping you from reaching out and grabbing the door handle and walking through. But know that there is something very valuable on the other side of that fear for you.” Ant Duckworth

More about Ant

Ant is Founder & CEO of Dear Coco Coffee, former International Marketing Director for American Express, Australian surfer, father of three daughters and coffee lover.

Ant spent 16 years leading International Experiential Marketing teams within some of the world’s most powerful brands. In 2021, during a global pandemic Ant built Dear Coco as a side hustle to his corporate career. He built the business as a love letter to his youngest daughter, Coco.

In three years, Dear Coco became the world’s most popular and successful coffee truck, with a cult local and global following. It is the most followed coffee truck in the world on Instagram.

Ant is now full-time Founder & CEO growing venture-backed Dear Coco into the world's next great coffee company and enabling other coffee entrepreneurs.

Instagram @dearcocolondon


Produced by winteraudio.co.uk


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