Episode 3 - How Tiny Habits can help you achieve big things with Mike Coulter

Episode 3 Podcast Mike Coulter

In this episode we discuss the power of tiny habits to make a big difference with Mike Coulter, a Tiny Habits Coach.

We discuss

  • The Tiny Habits philosophy pioneered by BJ Fogg

  • How we underestimate how our habits are affecting what we achieve

  • How motivation is not the thing that will make a difference to what you achieve

Create a life changing behaviour in tiny steps. When you are on the pathway to change, whether it is forced upon you or you have made the decision yourself, Mike Coulter's Tiny Steps habitualise program is the perfect way to optimise your talent. 

Find out more about Mike here

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Episode 4 - The role your identity plays when you are going through change with Sal Jefferies


Episode 2 - Finding your purpose when Life happens with Shakil Butt