Another Door Podcast
Stories about navigating change
Episode 18 - Bouncing back with Jane Ferre
Jane got made redundant twice in one year. She took it as a sign. It was going to be her year. Jane shares her story of what she did how she decided what to do, and how you can bounce back after redundancy.
Episode 17 - The power of Emotional Freedom Technique with Louisa Hussey
Louisa Hussey is an EFT/Tapping practitioner.. sounds a bit woo? But what if proven techniques of acupuncture met cognitive therapy met a bit of coaching? This is a fast hit therapy that can open the door to a new and better you.
Episode 16 - Random acts of kindness
A short but sweet episode where I look back at my year of two halves, there is a tremendous pressure to "enjoy" Christmas and I want to reassure you in this Podcast that it's OK if your Christmas isn't perfect.
Episode 15 - The ones that get left behind with Victoria Doxat
I speak to Victoria Doxat about redundancy, the ones that get left behind and how it can be inspiration to think of what you want to do next as well as the people leaving. Victoria has great insights into what happens, what help is needed, and shares her story on how she is pivoting her career in a different direction.
Episode 14 - How to pursue your passion with Marshall Jefferson
This episode is about a random meeting on a train, sharing stories, taking chances and spreading positivitiy. I meet Marshall on a train. A series of events resulted in 4 of us squashed in a mini heading towards Bognor Regis one Friday night. Unfortunately I didn’t get to join in the Ibiza Legends Weekender but met the legend that is Marshall who shares hos story of how it all started for him.
Episode 13 - How to be vulnerable in the workplace with Garry Turner
“There are doors opening all around us if we are open to them. Me seeking my other door was the catalyst for me. I was about to leave my job, and then something made me stop and think about what I was doing. I started thinking I know I’m good at this. I know I can do more. I know I have more to offer. And I started to be curious about who we are, what difference we want to make and I discovered I could make a difference right there in my workplace. And things went from there. I now have a podcast, I run events and mentor others. Be curious and open and things start to happen.” Garry Turner
Episode 12 - How to turn a passion into a business with Jen Gale
Jen Gale is the founder of Sustainable (ish). Jen shares her story of being a vet, living life without buying anything new for year, blogging about it, starting a Facebook community, helping companies be more sustainable and writing book - out in January.
Episode 8 - How to ditch imposter syndrome with Clare Josa
As an NLP Trainer, Meditation & Yoga Teacher and a Reformed Engineer, Clare demystifies Ancient Wisdom, blending it with the 'user manual' for your brain, to make it surprisingly easy for you to ditch your hidden blocks, and even enjoy the process. Clare has been a Mentor to Passionate World-Changers since 2002, specialising in working with business leaders and entrepreneurs, who want to step up to make a bigger difference in the world.
Episode 7 - How to handle redundancy & get your next job with Amanda Paradine
Amanda Paradine is a career coach and HR specialist. Amanda & I run Another Door redundancy support programmes for businesses going through change. We share our insights and experience of being made redundant, making people redundant and supporting people through redundancy. And Amanda shares her top tips on what you can do to get prepared to get your next job.
Episode 3 - How Tiny Habits can help you achieve big things with Mike Coulter
Create a life changing behaviour in tiny steps. When you are on the pathway to change, whether it is forced upon you or you have made the decision yourself, Mike Coulter's Tiny Steps habitualise program is the perfect way to optimise your talent.