Episode 4 - The role your identity plays when you are going through change with Sal Jefferies

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In this episode Sal Jefferies, a Courage Coach (and amazing yoga & mind instructor), talks about the role of your personal identity, your self-beliefs and your internal narrative plays when you are going through change. he shares his personal story of redundancy and shares helpful tips of how we can place ourselves in the best frame of mind to move through change.

We discuss:

  • How your identity comes into question when your circumstances change

  • We do a clever short exercise to discover who you think you are right now

  • How we can work with fear to make it a good thing for us

You can find Sal here:



Episode 5 - How to work on your growth mindset with Ruth Kudzi


Episode 3 - How Tiny Habits can help you achieve big things with Mike Coulter