Another Door Podcast

Stories about navigating change

Eleanor Tweddell Eleanor Tweddell

Episode 22 - How not to worry with Paul McGee

Stop! Understand and Move On. During this challenging time we all need help in making the changes in our lives to cope with the unfolding reality that is changing so rapidly, Paul McGee is the SUMO guy and I really think his inspired thinking can help you make sense of our new situation and move on.

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Eleanor Tweddell Eleanor Tweddell

Episode 20 - How to pivot your career, many times with Vicki Baumann

Vicki Bauman has had her share of ups and downs, she has been made redundant several times, lived a wild life riding motorbikes across the Alps (She is half Swiss)  but it was a hit and run accident back in 2012 that completely changed her life, a door opened and Vicki seized an opportunity to turn a passion into a business venture. 

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Eleanor Tweddell Eleanor Tweddell

Episode 21 - Sanity in a mad World with Tom Oxley

We talk about the current topic - why is everyone losing their shit and buying toilet roll? And how we need to listen and respect each other more. Tom shares brilliant advice on how to help yourself through this uncertain time and why we are seeing what some might call irrational behaviour, what others might see as necessary to survive, as we all start to retreat to the safety of our caves.

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Eleanor Tweddell Eleanor Tweddell

Episode 19 - Planning your way to success with ALon DaviD

ALoN DaviD, founder of 90x, arrived in America without any business leads connections. He had no university network or promising internships. ALoN didn’t even have a solid business idea. But he did have ambition. He had drive. He had the dream to make something of his life. Inspired to further test his goal-system, ALoN decided in 2010 to start a photography business from scratch. Within a year, the photography business became a 6-figure side-gig and that was when ALoN knew that his 90x goal-system was something special. Looking to help others effectively set and achieve goals, ALoN put together the first 90x goal-planner.

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Eleanor Tweddell Eleanor Tweddell

Episode 11 - How to share wisdom with Steven Foster

Steve has promoted Britain’s biggest raves, written hit songs and owned a record label that sold millions of albums. He has also ‘fallen on his arse and had to clean toilets and sweep floors to keep his dream alive’.

“If there’s one thing I have realised, it is that with every challenging life situation there is always the seed of opportunity and the hope of brilliance within it. You just have to look for it and be open, which can be difficult when the shit is hitting the fan, but if you are ever going to be successful you must embrace this skill with open arms.”

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Eleanor Tweddell Eleanor Tweddell

Episode 10 - How to handle rejection and see it a part of the process with Lucy Power

Lucy Power specialises in supporting businesses and individuals through transformation using a powerful blend of Coaching and Psychotherapy.  She works beneath mindset with the root cause of our self sabotage and harmful ways of being in our world. Lucy has been made redundant twice and has used these difficult times as an opportunity for personal growth and the healing of old wounds.

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Eleanor Tweddell Eleanor Tweddell

Episode 8 - How to ditch imposter syndrome with Clare Josa

As an NLP Trainer, Meditation & Yoga Teacher and a Reformed Engineer, Clare demystifies Ancient Wisdom, blending it with the 'user manual' for your brain, to make it surprisingly easy for you to ditch your hidden blocks, and even enjoy the process. Clare has been a Mentor to Passionate World-Changers since 2002, specialising in working with business leaders and entrepreneurs, who want to step up to make a bigger difference in the world.

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Eleanor Tweddell Eleanor Tweddell

Episode 7 - How to handle redundancy & get your next job with Amanda Paradine

Amanda Paradine is a career coach and HR specialist. Amanda & I run Another Door redundancy support programmes for businesses going through change. We share our insights and experience of being made redundant, making people redundant and supporting people through redundancy. And Amanda shares her top tips on what you can do to get prepared to get your next job.

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