Episode 63 - Happy Not Perfect with Poppy Jamie

On this episode we hear from Poppy Jamie, founder and author of Happy Not Perfect.

Poppy is that person who does not pretend! When Poppy starts to share her story it is sounds amazing, the opportunities, the lifestyle… wow!

And then she shares what is really going on behind the headlines.

Poppy has had an incredible career so far from becoming the youngest TV host for ITN, to moving to Los Angeles to work with MTV and later launching Pillow Talk with Poppy on Snapchat. And now is the founder of Happy Not Perfect. This sounds, and is amazing.

But as you will hear, it’s never that straight forward.

On this episode we talk about:

  • How sometimes it’s ok to fake it until you make it (Sometimes!)

  • The (unnecessary) pressure we put on ourselves

  • How to get up again, and again, and again (even when you fall flat on your face in front of Jude Law)

  • Having chronic burnout

  • The moment you ask yourself ‘Is this life? Is this what it is meant to be?’

See Poppy’s work on www.happynotperfect.com

Watch the Chat here

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