How to be a coach (or curious about the skill of coaching)
Everyone is a coach these days right?
Well, no, not quite. It certainly is a growing market but there is still so much opportunity out there.
I started my coaching adventure 7 years ago after being made redundant. I didn’t want to be a coach but I wanted to create a hub where people could find coaches and mentors to help them after being made redundant. That’s where Another Door started, although it wasn’t called that then.
As things got momentum, or at least the idea grew I knew I had to start with a MVP and that had to be me coaching at first. So my first coaching programme was created and 10 people joined it (at £50 for 3 months!). It got good feedback so I thought I needed help with marketing, so I joined a social media programme. Not a great decision but all goo lessons. Eventually did a coaching programme and got a business coach and created robust plans for the business.
I’m sharing this as it’s rare you just become a coach and then get lots of clients. You might go through a few reinventions and redirections as you navigate what you want to do, where there is a market, and how to get clients.
It’s now 7 years later. So much has been learned, about myself and the market.
So how to be a great coach?
Be a specialist
You don’t have to niche, but it sure does help! I resisted for a while but once I was clear on what I did do and what I didn’t things became easier, and I started to enjoy it more. It also meant I could develop my skills specifically for my clients. At that time I was coaching leaders through change. So that became my focus on learning and development for me, as well as where I supported people.
When you have a specialist subject you get recommended more. You can’t just rely on your social media (in fact social media has rarely directly led to a client, it’s usually indirect). So the more you become the go to for the Thing the easier it becomes for others to help you find clients.
Be open minded
The idea of being a coach might appeal but do the work around why you want to coach. Sometimes people say ‘to help people xxx’ because it happened to them. It’s good to work with a mentor on this because sometimes you move on, and if your work means you can’t it makes it hard. I now rarely coach people who have just lost their job (Another Door has other coaches who do that). My practise has developed to help people progress their business idea.
As well as your reason you might find you just aren’t a coach - and that’s ok! Coaching is a skill. Not everyone can do it. You can find a way to develop your offering to fit your strengths - you might be a trainer, or a mentor or key note speaker. The term coach is widely used and comes with many expectations, so it’s more important to work on your offering, how it aligns to you and your clients.
Be repetitive
To get known and booked you have to be repetitive with your message. Everyday for 2 years I posted about ‘Losing your job could be a good thing’. I created 5 bullet points to talk about, and recut the message with humour some days, stories another, questions another. So nail your one thing and repeat but in different ways - all paths lead to the same destination.
Be collaborative
Partnering up with others or joining a community uses coaches is a great way to start. You not only get experience and earn, but you can learn about yourself and how to run a business / programme / workshop. It’s important to keep learning and challenging yourself. And having a community around you to support is also a success factor.
If you want more support in developing your niche / specialism / idea drop me a note We have exciting plans to help people develop offers and services that will get booked.
Find out more
If you want to know more about coaching and it’s something you are thinking about this talk with Ruth Kudzi of Optimus Coaching might also help. We talk about coaching, how to be a great coach, how to get a great coach and the life changing impact it can have on you.
And if you are interested in becoming a coach look out below for a brilliant offer when you join Optimus coaching diploma programme.
Any questions just shout!
If you want to be a certified coach…
A lot of people ask me who I trained with.
I’ve done many courses, programmes, 121 coaching - many!! Optimus Coaching Diploma was the first ICF accredited programme I’ve done and it was a game changer.
I wanted something that had practical support as well as theory, and this was perfect. The aspect of community is also unique and encouraging as you build trust and connection with others as you learn.
I don’t partner with many other businesses but this experience I truly believe can change your life, so I’m all in for that!
Click Here to find out more about the next cohort
There are limited spaces so I’d say get in there fast if you want to do it.
And a bonus free 3 x 60 minute 121s coaching experience
When you sign up for the next cohort I’m offering 3 x 60 minute 121 coaching which can be taken any time up to 12 months after sign up.
So as well as your coaching diploma you can work with me to make it work for you, as a business or in your work or life. We’ll explore how you can use your skills to achieve your goals. This offer is worth £1800.
A brilliant chance to learn, grow and create something new in your life.
When you sign up just email me on with email title Coaching Diploma and we’ll get your 121s booked in.