When you get tired(How to handle change fatigue)
“When you get tired, learn to rest, don’t quit” Banksy
It feels like you are trying. Really trying. And yet the nos, the nothings, the setbacks keep rolling in. You are giving it everything. Every idea, every potential opportunity. But it’s tiring. And then another setback rocks up and now you are exhausted. Because trying is hard.
So here’s a quick reset using the Five Zone formula -
Day 1 - Pause - Take the day off. I know it might feel bad, like you aren’t trying, like you might miss something. But you need it. Do something for yourself. Do not check LinkedIn. socials, even your Inbox. In fact, if you can, put your phone away.
Day 2 - Mess - Today we sit down with a notebook and we ask 3 simple questions. Where am I right now? What do I want? What do I need? That’s it. Think about those questions, in detail. Dig around the edges. Think about how you feel when you think about the questions.
Day 3 - Play - Now we go exploring. We start with what we need. Set yourself some milestones or deadlines to achieve getting what you need. Think of 25 ideas to help you get what you need. Now move onto to what you want. Set yourself some milestones or deadlines to achieve getting what you want. Think of 25 ideas to help you get what you want. When you are thinking of ideas go small, go big, go wild, go practical. Ask others for help. Be bold and post on your socials. Tag me (Eleanor Tweddell) if you post on LinkedIn.
Day 4 - Try - Now we spend the day taking small actions for each idea. Yep - all 50 need an action. You don’t have to do the action today, but you do need the list completed by the end of the day. If you have time colour code them - green - quick win, amber - needs some work, red - needs a bit more time.
Day 5 - Restart - Go lets go again. Hopefully you are feeling a bit more energised. Start to work through the list. Aim to do at least 10 ‘shitty’ actions by the end of the day. The next 40 need actioned over the next 4 weeks.
Ok - let’s go. You really want and need it? So let’s go and get it!
Share your thoughts in the comments below.