21 Days to Re-Imagine Your Future

  • Are you curious about what other possibilities there are for you?

  • Do you have an idea to start something new but you aren’t sure what or how?

  • Are you open to have some fun, with the support of like minded people?

  • Are you at a moment of your life where a door has closed, or is closing, and you are wondering what to do next?

REgister your interest

This is 21 days of thought provoking questions, designed with a structured approach which shapes around how you think, how you want to develop your thoughts so that you reduce overwhelm, develop clarity, and feel confident to take action.

It’s fast paced, 21 days of email prompts, things to think about, things to make to you wonder. But you can also go at your pace. You need to tune in to where your energy is taking you and use the programme to support you.

And every Friday we jump on a group call to talk about how your week has gone.

  • The first 7 days are about Reflection

Reflect Roam Reset

When was the last time you created space to think about, who you are, why you do what you do, what you really want to do. Reflecting on where you are now, and where you want to be in the future will start to get your thought cogs moving.

  •  The next 7 days of Roaming

Freedom to explore! This is where you open up your mind, be curious, explore, try stuff, think left & right, create ideas. This is the fun part, where you allow yourself to imagine. We think of possibilities without putting ‘yeah buts’ in the way. You are free to roam with your thoughts, ideas, ponderings.

  • The final 7 days of Resetting

So now you’ve got clarity, you’ve got a few ideas, it’s time to reset. Reset your thinking, so that you can make decisions, and take action that move you forward . It’s the start of your re-imagined future.

What you get

  • 21 days of email prompts

  • Access to the 21 day challenge in the Another Door club

  • 4 Group Calls - we’ll jump on a group huddle to discuss the week’s reflections (every Friday at 10am)

***AND BONUS ***

  • 3 months access to the community (ongoing support after the challenge ends)

  • Access to the community chat space where you can post questions, suggestions and ideas and ask your fellow community members for advice and help.

The next challenge starts on 18 May 2020.

Cost: £99.00 plus VAT

*The community uses a platform called Mighty Networks, an app on your phone (or desktop).


Eleanor Tweddell Another Door.png

About me

After 23 years of corporate life, working for Costa Coffee, RAC, Virgin Atlantic, Vodafone, it was time to do something different. Redundancy was the start of thinking about doing something different. Since then I’ve started an online store, Snuggle Truffle, my blog has become a book, I now coach people to start something new, I run outplacement workshops, and I have a communications consultancy, supporting businesses with workshops, projects and interim assignments. Redundancy was the start of my portfolio career which I enjoy today. I understand that nothing happens overnight, but things can happen with the right people around you.

I look forward to working with you, and helping you to re-imagine your future.


What people say about WORKING with me

“I loved Eleanor’s quirky energy, she helped me get clarity on what I wanted and got me thinking about things Id long forgotten about”

“Working with Eleanor helped me get the confidence to make a decision I’d been putting off.”

“The community is the best part, love meeting like minded people. It makes all of my fears normal and you realise everyone feels the same”

It’s time to re-imagine your future

start creating here