Tent in London

The Space In-between

When a door closes in your life, there is a space in-between when the next door opens. That space can feel lost, confusing, alone… but it can be a time for discovery, curiosity and encouragement.

The Space In-between is a day to feel free, energised and leave with a big mind full of hope and excitement.

If you are feeling stuck. Not sure what to do next. You want to explore possibilities. You want support to go through your next door. Join like minded people, for a magical day off discovery, full of encouragement and energy.

You will leave with a clear idea of what you want to do next, and ideas on how you are going to do it. And a group of new friends who are going to help you achieve it.

Tent January event

Come and join us in the tent in heart of London

An immersive one day event that will get you thinking… and wondering.

  • Be open to possibilities

  • Be ready for the unexpected

  • Embrace new things in your life

Venue: London

Date: 13 June 2020 10.00am until 3.00pm

£125 plus VAT (£150)

This includes 3 months access to the Another Door community (social sharing membership site) - this includes a weekly group call where we gather to encourage each other, and a forum you can share ideas and ask questions.

Lunch is not provided, it’s better to eat what we choose to enjoy! We have a 30 minute break to get our lunch / take a break.

Bonus for those who book before 1st May: 60 minute 121 Skype - you can use before or after the event

There are limited spaces (maximum 20 people)