Episode 97 - Make the most of every moment with Simon Alexander Ong

Simon Alexander Ong is a personal development entrepreneur, coach and public speaker.

His work has seen him invited onto Sky News, BBC Radio London and LBC Radio to be interviewed, while in 2018, Barclays UK featured him in a nationwide campaign asking him questions on how families could embrace better lifestyle habits. His insights has also seen him featured in HuffPost, Forbes, Virgin and The Guardian.

Simon regularly speaks at organisations and keynotes public events and conferences. Some of these have included The Peter Jones Foundation, The World Business & Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) and the LSE.

In Simon’s new book Energize, he introduces you to the art and science of energy management. In a world where we are always 'on', Simon coaches you to work with your natural energy resources to recognize your most energized state - when to push and when to recoup - so that you can work sustainably towards your biggest goals.

We talk about the book and Simon’s story of how he got to be doing what he is doing now.


Episode 98 - How to be fearless with Robin Waite


Episode 96 - How to see change at work as an opportunity