Episode 68 - NOISE: A Manifesto Modernising Motherhood with Danusia Malina- Derben

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On this podcast episode we hear from Danusia Malina - Derben

Industrial psychologist, reshaping boardrooms with a mission to rehumanise the way people lead. Danusia is a Podcast host and a mother to 10 children, keeping her busy. An Author specialising in Motherhood across her books, balancing research and personality. No preaching just exploration along the way, in a relatable way.

In this episode we talk about:

  • We are surrounded by NOISE, how to understand it and ensure we don’t contribute

  • Being intentional in building yourself, if you don’t want to be “swallowed up” by motherhood

  • Not caring what anybody else thinks (easier said than done) to achieve your next step

  • Grabbing opportunity before you get in your own way

  • Being the architect of your own life and confident in your design

Find out more about Danusia Landing Page (danusiamalinaderben.com)

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