Kate Hunter, Executive Coach

Redundancy is often seen as one of those things that often happens ’to us’. I believe that it can sometimes happen ’for us’, giving us that swift kick to wake us up to what the other possibilities in life are.


Teacher, Trainer, L&D Specialist, Sales Executive, Sales Effectiveness expert

Kate Hunter Executive Coach

What did you do after you were made redundant?

Honestly – I Celebrated! I had known for approximately 3 months that this was potentially on the cards; it was beautifully timed for me.

I always had the approach that if I was ever made redundant I would use it as an opportunity to re-

evaluate, redefine and reshape what my future looked like.

How did you decide what to do next?

I knew I wanted to set up my own coaching & training business. I had been thinking about it on and off seriously for about 2 years prior to this. I had already started to do some ground work and as soon as I heard about the potential for my redundancy I signed up to, and invested heavily in, an Executive Coaching diploma with the AOEC so that i would hit the ground running. That was the best investment ever!

What would be your advice to anyone who has just been made redundant? 

See it as an opportunity. Look for the positives and relish in the freedom that comes with looking at the future as a blank slate, with your pen poised to write the next chapter of your story. Use the time for reflection if you can. Think about what energises you and what your strengths are. In my coaching practise I love helping people find their Ikigai – that is, their reason for getting out of bed in the morning.

Redundancy is often seen as one of those things that often happens ’to us’. I believe that it can sometimes happen ’for us’, giving us that swift kick to wake us up to what the other possibilities in life are.

So, of course, the other piece of advice I most definitely want to share is: seek support from a coach or mentor (and i’m not just saying that because I am a coach!). Someone like Eleanor & myself will help you make leaps and bounds towards your desired destination.

We’ll help you steer away from fear based decisions and help create that clarity around what you want, what you need and what will work well for you and your home life. Ultimately it’s a blooming great opportunity to re-evaluate the destination of your life and what you want to achieve and to do that with someone raising awareness for you, helping with the forward momentum towards your goals; all with a healthy dose of accountability which is a massive benefit with coaching. That’s what will ultimately keep you on track!

Finally, look to others who have been made redundant and what they have achieved. Personally I have never felt happier, more fulfilled and more aligned with my purpose! Now, every day, I get to coach high achieving women to revive and redefine their purpose, mind-set and goals in order to start living a life of success & fulfilment, on their terms.... and I couldn’t be more proud of that!

You can find Kate here…


LI: http://linkedin.com/in/kate-hunter-8662ab10

I: www.instagram.com/katehunterexecutivecoach

E: kate@kate-hunter.com


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