Russ Taplin, Managing Director of Mmm Thoughtful Business

“Get your arse out there. Meet people, speak to people, network. The most positive things that have happened to me have been as a direct result of either making something happen by arranging something, or going somewhere and ‘turning up’. “

Russ’s story

I was made redundant with 31 years’ experience in the corporate world, but an MBA and degree all focused on business and entrepreneurship. I was the right-hand man to the MD of a financial services business.


I was made redundant at the end of January 2019. But having been put at risk towards the end of 2017.  It wasn’t the first time I’d been in that position, which I’d experienced many times before. Something was different this time though, I was ready for it – I’d made a conscious effort to not let the process get me down and instead of being beholden to CV writing, job hunting or other people, I wanted to take the risk and go out alone.

I was worried that in my location, at 47 and with great qualifications that I would struggle to get another role – and so I wanted to be in control. I was also aware of this building frustration in me, that I wasn’t feeding my inner entrepreneur and that my hunger and energy was dying and I wanted it back.

And let me say this - it was a risk, I have three children, a big mortgage and I’m that age when I should be worrying much more about my pension contributions and retirement (which I’d originally planned for 55, but now feels like 75).

I was in a fortunate position that I had managed to negotiate (through great relationships, and ensuring I remained positive and trusted) staying on to support the business for a little longer, and during that period I used my time to build myself an idea, a profile and start networking – this wasn’t something that I was used to.

I started to push myself to go places and do things that were outside of the norm for me.

Where I got lucky was that we have an amazing entrepreneurial hub down here in Bournemouth, as part of the #screwitjustdoit events. I had hooked up with Virgin to be a mentor for their StartUp customers, and as a result connected with the hub down here. It is a very positive and fulfilling environment. It was over this time that I created Mmm Thoughtful Business, a business consultancy and advisory service ( targeted at providing all those services that add value, but also create a drain on your business or your time.

Over the course of the year, and through pushing myself – I also reconnected with my University and now enjoy talking and being part of that community (I’ve been out to Berlin with them to discuss global talent too). I met one of my current business partners through an alumni reunion, and now between us have a joint venture (

I also have another business with another business partner as a direct result of undertaking a business case piece of work for them, which in turn came from a reunion I organised. That business is an entirely different business ( – it is developing a simple but techy widget for a car – we have a patent in process, so I can’t tell you what it is, yet…

What is true, is that you can’t make a success of any new venture, if you still have one foot in the old world.

You need to make that break and focus 100% on the new venture.

So, on Christmas Eve 2018 I waved bye to my old colleagues, picked up my p45, and left into the world of ‘unemployment’. I made sure I had a complete break over Christmas, and then picked up the laptop with real passion on the 4th January 2019.

It is lonely, it is hard work, relationships change, those people you spent your years with and held many conversations with aren’t there anymore. And, you are forging a whole load of new relationships and having entirely different conversations. It is both terrifying and liberating at the same time. There is no regular pay check, there are no pension contributions, you don’t know when the next money is coming in through the door. But…

I was also surprised how quickly the signs of green shoots started to crop up. Depending on which way you look at things, I am either 16 months into this, or three months into this – I think three because that is when I started going at this ‘hell for leather’ and most of the real activity started and so most of the impact is directly related to. I am looking ahead to a month where diary management is becoming an issue, I have had great reviews on and people love what I do and how I do it.

Little things like a thumbs up here, or a comment there are such small but important things when you are sat alone at your kitchen table with only the laptop for company.

Out of all the above the best advice I could give to you would be to get your arse out there. Meet people, speak to people, network. The most positive things that have happened to me have been as a direct result of either making something happen by arranging something, or going somewhere and ‘turning up’.

Speaking at events, and by saying yes and working out how to make the best of it. By turning up I don’t mean just going somewhere, I mean by talking to people, taking control, pushing yourself, not giving in to your inner introvert – fortune favours the bold.

You will find others in the same boat, you will find people helpful, positive and encouraging. People want to help when they see you trying to help yourself – they want to be part of it. It’s the lobster thing, if you shy away and let your shell soften then people see your shoulders drop, head down and they go find someone with a harder shell.

I’m in the role of trying to make my entrepreneurial pieces work, so I can’t offer CV or job-hunting advice– although I suspect there are similarities – listen to people, make sure your language matches theirs and don’t give in. have faith, keep your head up and shoulders back.

In my experience, most people that emerge from redundancy emerge stronger and in a better position. Good luck! 



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Emma Gillies, Director at Make a Cup of Tea


Ruth Kudzi, Business Coach, author and speaker