Be my guest!

I’d love you to be a guest.

This series is about sharing your ‘another door’ story (sometimes a few stories). The moment/s in your life when a door closed, the bit in-between and then the next door opening.

The stories can explore big life transitions, or small but significant changes. We can explore as much or as little as you want, having a few really good twists, tales and stories really helps.


To get the most from the interview we record on Zoom and use the film. The audio is edited, so we can edit if you need to take anything out.

The style of interview is relaxed, lightly structured conversation.

The conversation usually lasts around 30 - 45 minutes.


We start with me asking you to briefly introduce yourself ( around 2 minute intro).

Then I’ll ask you to share your (first) another door moment.

From there we’ll talk for around 20 minutes.

The talk ends with 3 quick questions >

  • The book that helped you through your next door opening

  • The soundtrack of your another door experience

  • Your one piece of advice to anyone going through a door closing

Tips to be a great podcast guest

You are probably a pro podcast guest but in case it’s your first time here are a few tips.

  • It’s a conversation, so try to make one point and pause for conversation to flow

  • Don’t apologise for ‘rambling’ if you feel you’ve talked too long it’s ok just pause

  • Don’t overthink, I’ll make sure we have a great conversation

  • Check you are comfortable, a good seat, no distractions

  • Enjoy! I love talking and listening to people so I’m here to make this go well

Thank you!