How to be made redundant

Have you ever been made redundant? Do you know someone who has been made redundant?

when one door closes quote Alexander Graham Bell

It’s not the greatest day of your life… but it might be the greatest thing that happened to you.

Take back control of your life, quickly

Someone has decided you are no longer required in your role. It feels like they have taken control. And for that one small moment in time they have. That’s why it’s painful, that’s’ why it’s frustrating, that’s why is a negative experience.

You may not even know the person who decided your fate, they may not even know you. It’s easy to get lost in having questions, wanting rationale, searching for answers. It’s like a bad break up. You ask yourself ‘why me’ ‘what did I do wrong’ ‘what are they going to do with all my work’.

Well that hard truth is… the questions, and the answers, don’t matter anymore. They’ve moved on, they (whoever they are) will not be spending time answering your questions.

Sort out timings and admin, get the legal advice you need, sort out your paperwork… and move on as quickly as you can.

It’s not excusing how you were treated, or sweeping it under the carpet, it’s about focusing on your-self, keeping you in the right mind space, taking back control of what happens next.

You can make this a good thing.

It isn’t easy to keep yourself in a good space. You’ve gone from overflowing inbox, full calendar, busy office, knowing what you’ll be doing in a years’ time… to blank lists, silent phones and an empty room with only This Morning keeping your mind occupied.

It’s a bit of a shock.

So, this is where your hidden talents kick in. You managed to organise your workload in the past, you managed to deliver that project on time. This is your biggest opportunity to set to work, apply those skills and turn this into a good thing, maybe even enjoy the experience!

So, what do you want to do? Like, really want to do?

Do you love your job? Is it everything you want to do (and more)? If your current (previous) job rocked it for you, then your plan is to get another equally rocking job, maybe with a few improved tweaks – closer to home, better hours, more pay, promotion?

Or… maybe the job needs more than tweaks. Is now the time for some big changes, a career change, a career pivot? In the membership community we talk about creating a priority list, a clear set of things you will not compromise on with your next move. Your priority list helps you plan your change.

Or… is now the time. That idea you’ve always had, simmering away, dreaming away grey days… writing a blog, writing a book, going travelling, starting a new business.

Is this the moment you are going to make it happen?

You can make this happen

Write down what you really want. Write it down now. Find a piece of paper… in big bold letters – I’M GOING TO…

That’s it, you’ve started on your way.

You can make this happen. There are people out there who’ve done it, there are people out there who can help you. Yes it’s not easy, yes it takes hard work – and a lot of (big?) decisions, but is the decision not to do something worse?

Redundancy can feel like a knock back, it can feel personal, it can feel like a bad thing. But, reframe, rethink, recharge and this could be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Glad to have you here!


Another Door Online Programme supports you through redundancy, feeling stuck or career change.

Book a free chemistry call with me


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