You've lost your job, now what?

Can losing your job really be a good thing? Well it can if you decide it is going to be, but you might need to work on it.

Somethings to help you

1 - Watch this Five Steps to Thrive.

It will help you to start thinking about your options, and where your head is, and how to you can yourself get into a good place. The five steps are about being with you all the way. From feeling absolutely lost, no ideas, overwhelmed and fed up to getting some ideas, some clarity, to feel confident to step forward. So wherever you are right now, you are in the right place.

2 - Buy the Book

‘Why losing your job could be the best thing that ever happened to you’ will make you smile, think, and most of all feel seen! It is written to be along side you, it doesn’t pretend this is easy but it doesn’t make it hard to believe that anything is possible.

Once you’ve read it we’d love you to leave a review on Amazon or where you purchased. It would mean a lot. Thank you.


3 - Join the Club

If you need a kick start, a place to go exploring, somewhere to get hands on advice and guidance then the Club is here for you.

You instantly enroll on the Five Steps to Thrive online experience, you get access to the job search toolkit and you get a 121 coaching session with a career coach.

Everything you need to help you start moving forward.

4 - Listen to the podcast

Eleanor Tweddell talks to guests about their experience of being in the space in-between and their advice as well as sharing her own experiences and guidance.

You can watch on Crowdcast here > click here, or listen to the podcast here > click here

Very grateful for any reviews you share, it all helps to get our message out there further.

5 - Sign up to our little dose of hope inbox notes

Maybe you aren’t ready to join the club yet but still need some gentle encouragement.

Every few days we’ll send you something to think about, something to listen to or something to read. Each time it will be a gentle nudge forward, and a reminder it’s all going to be ok.

Whatever you decide to do next, remember you own it. Own all of it, the highs, the lows, the tears, the fears, the wins and the success. It’s all yours to love.

You’ve got this!
