Redundancy is horrible. Noone wants to get that news. I read the book first, and found myself laughing out loud. I signed up to to the course and it changed everything. I started my own business. I never thought that was even an option!
— Simon

Rethink job loss

If you have lost your job and wondering now what, this is the course for you. Over 5 weeks you are gently challenged to think about your career, your life, what you want, what you need right now and start to make plans to step forward. Based on research from the book Why losing your job could be the best thing that ever happened to you the course works along side exactly where you are.

Rethink change at work

You haven’t lost your job, but your work is going through huge change, that transformation programme, a restructure, a merger, a new boss, a new job - all these things can feel uncomfortable, entering the unknown, unsure of where you fit. This course helps you to work through your feelings, your thoughts and helps you to see opportunity, to build your confidence and feel better about the change around you.

Start your rethink today

Our courses are the perfect introduction to start your rethink.

They are designed to galvanise you into action, sending you a daily prompt for 5 weeks.

But don’t feel panicked or overwhelmed! This can be your daily 10 minute think, or a reminder to schedule in more time to explore the course.

You have unlimited access to the modules so you can work through at your own pace.

You’ll be amazed at what can happen in 5 weeks!

£360 (inc VAT)

Another Door was a lifeline. I felt so miserable after losing my job. I lost my confidence, I lost my mojo, everything felt hard. This was like a jump start to feeling better. And I got a better job, more money and more what I want to do
— Anna